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Dibbs' Comic Book "The Wild, Wild Web" Nominated as Finalist for Content Marketing Awards

Written by The Dibbs Team | Aug 2, 2023 8:06:26 PM

We are thrilled to announce that Dibbs' comic book, The Wild, Wild Web, has been selected as a finalist in the prestigious Content Marketing Awards, specifically in the Visual Storytelling category for Best Use of Illustration. This recognition is a testament to the exceptional creativity and talent displayed by Alex de Campi, Bradley Tusk, and the Dibbs’ team behind this remarkable work.

For those unfamiliar with The Wild, Wild Web, it is a visually stunning comic book that delves into the fascinating world of web3. Through captivating illustrations, compelling characters, and an engaging narrative, Dibbs masterfully crafts a story that unravels the mysteries and adventures of the next digital realm.

The nomination itself is a significant achievement, as the Content Marketing Awards are renowned for celebrating outstanding content in various formats. The Visual Storytelling category, in particular, acknowledges the power of illustrations in communicating complex ideas, emotions, and stories effectively. Dibbs' comic book undoubtedly excels in this aspect, captivating readers with its visually stunning and innovative illustrations.

Read more about the background behind these captivating visuals in our blog post Q&A with Alex de Campi, Writer of Comic Book on Crypto Regulation 

The Content Marketing Awards' recognition of "The Wild, Wild Web" not only acknowledges the exceptional artistry and storytelling skills but also reaffirms the growing importance of visual content in the digital age. As audiences become increasingly visual-oriented, the power of illustration in content marketing becomes undeniable.


Download your free copy, if you haven't already. Congratulations to all of the winners!